慈温, 全名, Jion, 出生于德涅斯特河沿岸摩尔达维亚共和国(Transnistria)。现为心理咨询顾问、禅宗讲师、临终关怀顾问、幼儿园顾问、作家(著有《失落的公主》《俳句和散文》)、禅修身体韵律和公共演讲工作坊指导,歌手以及舞者。
Television-Documentaries about
Jion´s first year in Japan:
Jion in Germany:
„Jion helped me find my way“
When I met Jion I was depressed and having a hard time dealing with my everyday life. I used to have horrible migraines once or more times a week. Jion was offering spiritual counseling that seemed to be what I was looking for. We started working together and I discovered a person with an incredible listening capacity and a big heart. Jion´s Method combines psychology, spiritual practice and body work. Jion knows by intuition how to combine them to get the better results. I started to open up slowly and could connect deeply to myself after only a few sessions. I was not afraid of my emotions anymore and could trust myself. Only after a few months my migraines disappeared and I started seeing life differently. Threw his own experience and his authenticity, Jion helped me find my way. Thank you so much.
N. Karam (Germany/France)
N. Karam (法国)
以前遇到慈温的时候,我正在经历严重的抑郁,甚至很难日常生活。以前我每周都会有一两次严重的偏头痛。我们开始一起面对这些困难,我发现他会不可思议地听你所说的一切,而且有一颗仁者之心。他的方案结合了哲学、心理疗法和身体运动。他仅凭直觉就可以知道如何结合这些方法达到最好效果。我开始渐渐地打开心扉,短短几次会面之后就可以连接到内心深处。 我再也不害怕我的情绪了,而且可以完全信任自己。短短几个月后我的头痛消失了,我开始用不同的方式对待自己的生活。 他用他的经历和真诚的态度帮我找到了方向。非常谢谢你。
Your extremely valuable work were the catalyst that made it all happen“
There isn’t one single conversation we have without me learning at least one thing from you. Some of the most important achievements of my self discovery and spiritual development quest I have conquered through my work with you Jion: learning to face and overcome my weaknesses, facing and dissolving pain coming from the past and turning it into a fueling energy, making peace with myself by overcoming the guilt feeling, mindful breathing and breathing focused meditation and perhaps the highest blessing of all – living from the heart instead of mind. I know I was fully aware and prepared, but I also know that your extremely valuable work and experience were the catalyst that made it all happen. I am very grateful and will always whole heartedly recommend Jion´s Work.
O.Aitichson (London)
O.Aitichson (伦敦)
„It is a method that opens a door on spirituality and unity“
Jion and his coaching gave me the opportunity to become more aware of my evolutionary process. This is a way for me to take the distance on my daily life and to observe, accept and possibly change my unconscious mechanisms. This is an opportunity to become aware of myself and others, as well as work on my self-reliance, self-acceptance and my self-esteem. This type of individual work is a process in itself and comprises different phases that follow the rhythm of my life. It is a comprehensive approach that not only the psychological aspect, but actually create the link between the body, mind and heart. It is a method that opens a door on spirituality and unity. I can only recommend.
Miège Bérénice (France)
Miège Bérénice (法国)